Interrogate page color
- Version:
- 1.2d
- Copyright:
- H.-Martin Münch
- License:
- lppl1.3c
- Packaged on:
- 02/01/2025 10:22:04
- Number of files:
- 6
- Size on disk:
- 535.07 kB
This package provides the command \thepagecolor, which gives the current page (background) color, i. e. the argument used with the most recent call of \pagecolor{...}. The command \thepagecolornone gives the same color as \thepagecolor, except when the page background color is “none” (e.g., as a result of using the \nopagecolor command). In that case \thepagecolor is “white” and \thepagecolornone is “none”. When \nopagecolor is unknown or broken (crop package), this package provides a replacement. Similar to \newgeometry and \restoregeometry of the geometry package \newpagecolor{...} and \restorepagecolor are provided. For use with the crop package \backgroundpagecolor{...} as well as \newbackgroundpagecolor{...} and \restorebackgroundpagecolor are provided.